Deutsch-Amerikanischer Club Kaiserslautern-Logo
Deutsch-Amerikanischer Club Kaiserslautern-Logo

Why should I become a member of the German-American Club Kaiserslautern?

Quite simply: living friendship between Germans and Americans! Our goal is to foster and promote this friendship. For example, through joint events, interest groups in the areas of language, culture, literature, and much more. We learn from each other and forge special friendships.

Young people are our future. That is why we promote international understanding, especially through German-American student and youth exchanges.

Our Pfennigbasar is both a special shopping experience and a great charity campaign. The earnings are used for regional projects, in particular children and youth work, but also for projects that support the mutual understanding between nations.

Would you like to become a member of this extraordinary community?

This is how it works:

1. Download and fill out the application form

2. Send the completed form to

3. Pay the annual membership fee of €50

… then welcome to the German-American Club Kaiserslautern!